Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Pokemon Species

I am a Electrike!

I have a good friend who has an intense fascination with Pokemon, and he convinced me to take the test. Now I know what my species is!


beckett said...

I got "Dragonite"

vacuous said...

What are a Dragonite's charcateristics?

Anonymous said...

I'm one of your former students who sometimes checks this blog, and wow was I surprised when I saw "My Pokemon Species."

Keep up the good work!

vacuous said...

Uh oh. Look's like my cover's been blown. :)

beckett said...

you are very strong and your strength gives you a reason to always look at the bright side of things. You are friendly and likable, hate seeing others suffer, and very intelligent, but occasionally you get angry.

What the hell is occasionally supposed to mean? I'm a rage-aholic. I'm addicted to rageahol.

I had to try it a couple times this time to get it to say Dragonite: I tried and failed to reproduce my answers. Instead I ended up with Butterfree. Something like, you're always happy because you've spent your whole life in a cacoon.