I made this image of the Medicine Buddha mantra, which goes around the perimeter starting with "TAD." The seed syllable "HUNG" is the big blue symbol in the center. As part of a Medicine Buddha ceremony, one typically visualizes the seed syllable hung at the heart of the medicine buddha, with the mantra circling around it, radiating light to all sentient beings, purifying their obscurations and removing their sickness. One would typically chant the mantra "Tayata om bekhandze bekhandze maha bekhandze radzaya samungate soha" 21 times or more while doing this. Anyway, I made this and I figured I'd put it out on the web in case anyone can benefit from it. Feel free to reproduce the image. I also have a high resolution version which I can email to anyone who wants it.
My name is Diana Bolbochan. I Live in Venezuela and have 5 monthis diffunding the Medicine Buddha Reiki. One of the teachings is the use the Medicina Buddha Mantra Card over the food. So I would like to receive the picture that you made by email.
Besides, do you know about any Budhist Center that could ship to me the MedicineBudda Cards as free to distribute among people?
Blessings and so many tahanks!
May 2008 (I do not care if you do not answer inmediately, but please do it!!!)
I stumbled upon this and am very interested. The image you created is beautiful. Could you email me the high res version?
Thank you and blessings,
Hi, I have had several Medicine Buddha empowerements and find the symbol very powerful, You have created a lovely image here would you be so kind to send me the high resolution image via email please? shirleybshiatsu@aol.com
hello, I am daphne from the philippines and I would like to ask for a high resolution copy of this image via my email: dyana_evr@yahoo.com
Thank you so much. more power!
so amazing artwork. I work for years with this mantra. I also kindly request the high res. image. diamond_fire100@yahoo.com Thank you. Many blessings to you.
Could you please email a hi-res photo to RLustigHA@gmail.com. Thank you.
Kindly email the high resolution image to dranupkb29@gmail.com
Thanks,dr anup kr bhattacharya.
I really do appreciate if you could send me the high resolution version image to huynhdat88@gmail.com
Many thanks
I came across the medicine Buddha and grateful for you sharing with everyone. I would love to have the high resolution version. lawanacmpbll79@gmail.com. many Ases to you!
I request you to share me the mantra on 23.sudhirdm@gmail.com
I came across the medicine Buddha and grateful for you sharing this mantra with everyone. I would love to have the high resolution version. pacslim@hotmail.com. many thanks 2U and Namaste
Hello from Detroit, I would love a high res copy of this piece. Thank you so much and bless you for using your talent this way. Pobluemonkey@gmail.com
You have created a lovely image here would you be so kind to send me the high resolution image via email please? confesser@gmail.com
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