Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mount Timpanogos Photos Part 2

The first image captures some mountain goats high on a rock wall. The third photo is a view of the top.

Click on pics for more resolution.


beckett said...

Incredible pictures. Suitable for framing.

I am excedingly jealous. What are the camping opportunities out there?

vacuous said...

I camped on the way to the summit, although it was a dry camp. I didn't take a tent with me, and it started to thunderstorm. I crawled in my sleeping bag, which is fairly waterproof, put my hat over my face to shield it from the rain, and dozed off. It actually worked pretty well.

There's another mountain in the area which a friend told me about that intrigues me. Apparently it takes several days to reach the summit (maybe 2 or 3), which we could do in the future.