Friday, October 19, 2007

A poem

Orange and soft
Idiom idiot idiolect idolatry izzitme
what am I trying to say,
am I trying to stay sprawled
What is the difference between time and apes
Are apes like grapes, spherical, angelical, purple and perpendicular monstrosities of the idiolect idiot running water streaming careening and eating but I don't know why how them me you are we in this sentence together or what?
That's what I like a tense stream a careening tense stream a scream a word a feeling a new sentence into jail like that like house like me like you like the world spinning around a turd a turtle a tesseract a new amphibious encyclopedia spurning the vortex neutrinos nor eating the intense turgid meerkat like entities sprawled on the floor eating mice and singing aloud as though this were their last time on earth or perhaps the last time in the universe or the big crunch big bang bathsheeba beersheeba bear cat eat my hat no don't do that because it tastes like rat or maybe it doesn't these things are never clear to me though I pretend like the thoughts make sense careening sprawled on the dining room floor, naked as Alan Ginsburg Greenspan says though I am unsure of his intent, sprawled halfway between naked and illustrious and the words will flow a tense feeling in my heart but where did that go. Why is it gone? How come it's not there any more. It felt so good, but then I began editing the words. I began controlling the thoughts. I began channeling the flow, and gadzooks, it all petered... out...


La Misma said...

Gee, I really like this. And not just because you said you liked my poem.

I like:

Am I trying to stay sprawled

vacuous said...

This is inspired by your poem, La Misma. I liked its carefree abandon, and I tried to reproduce that here, although mine comes across as a lot more neurotic, I think. :)

Unknown said...

Alan Ginsburg Greenspan's intentions are indecipherable. He is a very conflicted man.

vacuous said...

I wish I knew how to denote hearty laughter with a few characters, since that's what I did when I read your comment, christopher.