Sunday, December 28, 2014

Off to India and Nepal Tomorrow

I'll be heading to India and Nepal on a month-long pilgrimage tomorrow. I am excited about it. I've never done anything quite like it before. A group of 10 of us led by Lama Karma will going around to various holy sites and hopefully visiting with high lamas and getting an in-depth Buddhist experience. I am not taking my computer with me, but I do plan on keeping a journal, and I hope to post pictures and descriptions once I return. We're starting out at the Kagyu Monlam in Bodh Gaya, which is a giant festival in which multiple offerings are made and many prayers are chanted. There will also be teachings. I've got my portable radio with headphones so that I can listen to the English translation that will be locally broadcast to the audience.

Buddhist celebrations are hard work. Getting up early. Fasting. Chanting and making offerings without rest. The idea is to use every second of the day in generating merit. We'll have just completed a 36 hour journey, so we'll be exhausted, but I'm still looking forward to it! I just shaved my head, so now I don't have to pack a comb. All is set.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a wonderful trip! I'm jealous! I imagine it will be very auspicious. Bon voyage! Can't wait to see the pix!