I love these tiny flowers. Around here they're one of the first harbingers of spring. Some people, who prefer a lawn which lacks biodiversity, consider them weeds. What are they thinking? Notice the ant in the second picture, which will give an idea of scale!
Note: The pictures are more impressive if you click on them for larger versions.
Very cool
actually when you think that all of the kinds of flowers there are in the world today come from "weeds" with teeny flowers -- it's amazing. thanks for featuring this beauty with that dang camera of yours.
and I forgot to say how utterly incredible the blowups are!
Thanks Pistolgal. Did you ever figure out how to upload pictures on to your computer? I was thinking about it, and iPhoto should be set up to come on automatically, so if that's not happening, the only thing I can think of is maybe you're not turning the camera on when you plug it in to the USB port?
thanks for the idea of turning the camera on (!!) but I haven't even tried yet -- been occupied to the max with preparing to walk the plank to my accountant, dog-illness-related stuff and spring gardening and cleaning. I'll do it within the next week or so because I am anticipating all the glorious pictures I can take this spring and summer, thanks to you.
I surfed into your site from smarter's by the way -- he and I were workmates.
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